
Film dédié à Miles McKane. Disjet n’est pas à proprement parler un journal filmé, il ne respecte pas la chronologie des événements, il met en situation, en écho des événements.

La plupart du film est en négatif couleur, parfois noir et blanc, conférant aux images une nature particulière : mémoire de l’image à venir. Image qui ne vient que rarement dans sa forme habituelle.

Disjet boys kiss

« Disjet, le reportage filmé d’un voyage, qui ne se préoccupe guère de l’ordre chronologique des événements. Des images de la Côte d’azur des années septante se font l’écho d’images de la même côte dans les années cinquante. Des îles italiennes se retrouvent en mer du Nord. La couleur se mélange au noir et blanc, les positifs aux négatifs, les prises personnelles aux plans trouvés, le tout se fondant en un palimpseste dans lequel le temps et l’espace semblent se multiplier à l’infini. » Willem De Greef

disjet demo

« BEWARE! Cushions and cosy-on-the-sofa can’t cosset you, this ain’t no OUR HOLIDAY slide show: diagonal splice slicing the screen; scene-stealing negative/positive images wrestling their way in from opposite directions; dizzy turquoise fruit blossoming amongst silver leaves, scarlet sky and emerald-edged clouds a backdrop; strange cacti fountain-burst amongst pale violet plants; a wave turned upside down to tumble from overhead like a roof caving in, inside-out spume retracting, scrolled, unfurled; summer showers give golden a whole new meaning; travelling the tune scent length of water spurt; erotic fringes of foam; ti voglio bene, assai assai a sigh; immolation in grey flames like plumped-up pillows of plumes; triumphal arch jives and shimmies, architectural hussy flaunting itself from every angle, CHECK OUT THESE MOVES, would that you could twist so good; strobing bands of color like neon lights flickering in a fever dream; vertical gliding/shuddered horizontal arrivals/mounting, rising,/liquid projectiles/molten water like metallic sap/night/day light beneath a bridge into a tunnel chopped and backtracked never getting there until phew, you’re through. » Sandra Reid


This film is dedicated to Miles McKane

« Disjet is a diary which takes on memory, personal and social memory a trace of events which from echo to echo summon up others; and in its way landscapes which lead to distant memories thus call forth some more recent. From a window, others appear; trace of various places of dwelling or transit. The negative allows the memory to form in scattered units; usually the positive is used in filmed diaries (is that not so of reality ,), but, the positive makes visual reference too easily and more readily constitutes the beginning of a narration. With the negative the visions become painterly, formal in one sense, more adequate for the composing elements of memory. These does not exist a tidy memory, one well-defined (order enforced), gathered up, precise. Nothing of all of that, just some scattered fragments, some flights in rhythm. Memory is first of all formal, memory has little to do with stories, subjects… Memory is the power of the lapse of memory. » yb 83